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Artist' Statement

     As a highschool student, I often find myself tangled in a busy schedule that seems never ending. I think of ceramics as a safe haven for me because it allows me to express my creativity as well as it creates an outlet for me to destress. I feel as if each project I create helps me further achieve my own artistic style and that as I go on my projects become more personal. Ceramics has benefitted me greatly and helps me express myself each day.

     When making decisions with my artwork, it is also half instinct and half logic. I always have a certain picture of my final product in my head when I create my idea. I go off of that on what materials and colors I will use. I will sometimes refer to the nature of my idea on which materials to use. If it is more natural, I will use red clay and if it is more delicate, I will use porcelain. 

     My current work shows the improvements I have made over these four years. It is clear that my ideas are well thought out and that I follow my initial idea. My work can be inspired by certain ways I feel, so I always explore my current situations when I chose what to create. I challenge myself by creating things that I think will be hard to make.

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